I've been invited to take part in the BFI Voyager Virtual Festival on Science Fiction, which is being co-organised by the BFI and HarperCollins' Harper Voyager Books imprint, which publishes leading fantasy and science fiction. The virtual festival is taking place on...
BBC iWonder
posted by Caroline Edwards
I was approached by the BBC production team in October 2014 to consult on a Science Fiction timeline that they were organising, to advertise the BBC's forthcoming Science Fiction iPlayer 3-part documentary. You can view the timeline by clicking on the image below, or visiting the...
KCL Talk
posted by Caroline Edwards
I've been invited to give a keynote talk at King's College London on Thursday 4th September 2014, as part of a training event for AHRC-funded PhD students at the London School of Economics, Queen Mary University of London, and King's College London. The event is...
SF/F Now
posted by Caroline Edwards
In August 2014, I was invited to give a workshop on "Utopian Theory & Practice" for the SF/F Now conference at the University of Warwick with Dr Lisa Garforth (Newcastle University). SF/F Now was held as a 2-day international conference exploring the...
Science Fiction
posted by Caroline Edwards
In the Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms of 2014-15, I'll be teaching a new undergraduate module on Science Fiction with my Birkbeck colleague Dr Joe Brooker, as an optional module at Level 6 on our BA English programme. The module introduces students to some of the key concepts and...