New Genre Army
In April 2013, my PhD student Chris Callow and I co-organised a conference dedicated to SF writer and academic Adam Roberts titled "New Genre Army: An International Conference on the Writing of Adam Roberts."
The conference is part of the Gylphi "Contemporary Writers: Critical Essays" series and selected papers will be published in Adam Roberts: Critical Essays, ed. Caroline Edwards and Christos Callow Jr. (Canterbury: Gylphi, 2015). The conference was held at the University of Lincoln on 5th April 2013 – for the call for papers see here:
Click here to view the conference programme.
Damien Walter wrote a column for the Guardian shortly before the conference, which discussed Roberts' importance as a contemporary SF writer as well as the "New Genre Army" network. You can read the article on the Guardian website. Meanwhile, SFX Magazine wrote a short article about the conference and Chris Callow published an interview with Adam Roberts for Strange Horizons prior to the conference.
A podcast recorded by Lincoln's Siren FM containing interviews with Professor Farah Mendlesohn, Professor Edward James, Adam Roberts, Damien Walter and myself can be found on this soundcloud upload.